Rules and Regulations

for the 2025 competition season will be updated soon:

Please note: The Producers of Be Dance reserve the right to update rules and regulations as required.

It is the responsibility of the studio to uphold all rules and regulations stated below. Failure to comply could result in deductions to your final mark and/or disqualification.


  • The below information reflects the 2025 season.

  • Entries will be accepted through our online registration system.
  • Any entries that are not submitted via online registration will be subject to a 10% registration fee.
  • Please mail full payment via cheque or money order payable to Be Dance Inc. No post-dated cheques please. All outstanding balances from schedule changes must be paid onsite via cash, certified cheque or e-transfer.
  • Producers maintain the right to deduct monetary awards or issue an invoice for the outstanding fees which will be presented and paid for onsite via cash or e-transfer only.
  • Entries are on a first come first served basis. All entries and payments are due prior to the event start date (deadlines have been sent to participating studio owners). Any entries and payments submitted after the deadline date are subject to a 10% late fee. A $35.00 service charge will be applied for any NSF cheques. HST is to be added to fee amounts (as indicated in the Studio Owner package) and are quoted in Canadian currency.
  • Be Dance Inc. reserves the right to refuse individual or studio entries at their discretion, in which fees will be refunded.
  • All performers must be ready to perform one hour prior to the scheduled performance time. This rule will be strictly enforced in the event that the competition runs early.
  • Be Dance reserves the right to run their schedule up to one hour earlier than your scheduled performance time.
  • Once the pre-schedule has been sent to confirmed studios, any requests for changes must be submitted within the time frame provided. Any changes made after the allotted time cannot be guaranteed.
  • A tentative performance schedule (pre-schedule) will be sent out to all studios via email to confirm all entries are correct. A final schedule will follow shortly thereafter with all the necessary adjustments from the tentative schedule.
  • In an effort to keep the Be Dance event running on time, it is essential that all routine conflicts and changes be made BEFORE the final schedule is released. Any changes requested after the Final schedule has been sent out cannot be guaranteed. Changes made to the schedule or entries after the final event schedule has been sent out affects all studios participating. We encourage you to please review your tentative schedule carefully and send in conflicts or changes as soon as possible to alleviate unnecessary complications.
  • “Split Category Rule”: The same dancer(s) cannot compete more than once in the same age and category. Be Dance will split categories. The categories will be broken up into A, B and so on to prevent any dancer from competing multiple times in the same category. The “split category rule” will also apply to duet/trios and groups when/if applicable. If needed, the decision to bump a routine up an age category can be made by the studio director.
  • Only the dancer’s highest marking solo will be considered for overalls.
  • Independent entries are not accepted. Every dancer must have studio representation. Even WITH studio representation, a dancer cannot enter a solo into the competition and be eligible for overall awards. A Studio must enter a minimum of two groups at most Be Dance events to be eligible for an overall award. A studio can be exempt from this rule depending on event size/length and number of entries enrolled in the competition. Any further exemptions are at the discretion of the competition directors.
  • Contestants are to be entered in the age category that applies to them as of December 31st.
  • The age divisions of contestants in Duet/Trio and Group categories will be determined by average age. Add all ages of the performers and divide by the number of performers in the group. The birth dates and ages of all performers are required for the entries. Should any questions arise, the Directors of Be Dance may request proof of age. Please have a copy of every student’s birth certificate at the competition.
  • Be Dance Inc. reserves the right to add/subtract days, move/postpone or cancel the competition due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Although Be Dance Inc. will make every effort to resolve any unforeseen issues that may arise, Be Dance Inc. will not issue refunds or be held responsible for sudden cancellation or time lost due to extreme weather, fire, power outage, bomb threats, terrorism or any other extraneous circumstances.
  • Please note you are not entered into the competition until full payment for all entries and/or service charges is received.


  • When at the event studio owner programs will be available for pick up.
  • Music must be uploaded via computition prior to the start of the event. Instructions will be sent via email closer to the event start date. Dance teachers and/or studio directors must have all backup copies on hand. Ipod/Ipad/Lap Top can be used for back up music ONLY. Adapters (if needed) must be provided by the teacher as Be Dance cannot guarantee compatibility from device to device.
  • All routines are to report backstage to the Be Dance Stage Manager (by a teacher rep), approx 3-5 numbers before they are scheduled to perform. All routines are also expected to perform in the order they are scheduled. If for any reason a routine must perform out of order, it must be performed before its scheduled adjudication. Please notify the announcer if there are any concerns about a routine being on time for their performance. Be Dance will not HOLD routines (exceptions to this rule can only be made by the producers).
  • Any changes to the program needed for such things as costume changes or back-to-back numbers, must be communicated to the producers of Be Dance prior to the final schedule. A routine will only be considered a quick change if there are less than 5 numbers between performances. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated to keep the competition running on time. The wrongful holding of numbers, not performing at the scheduled time and/or not checking in with the backstage manager may result in penalization.
  • Any other conflicts or changes noticed in the printed program upon arrival at the competition such as incorrect titles, categories, or misprinted names of performers, should be brought forth to the producers at the announcers table, or to the stage manager backstage.
  • In the event that a dancer exits the stage prematurely, they will be given the opportunity to perform again for adjudication only. It is at the discretion of Be Dance Producers whether or not a dancer or dancers will “re-perform” in the event of a technical difficulty.
  • Under no circumstances will videotaping or photography of any performance, in part or otherwise, be tolerated by Be Dance. Photography is only permitted during award ceremonies when/if applicable.
  • A studio media package (full collection of event photo and video) is available for purchase by the studio owner. A link to studio media package will be distributed to studio directors within 1 week after the event. There will be no onsite or online photo/video sales. Venue security and/or Be Dance Directors have the right to confiscate or delete any videos and photos taken of a performance, as well as confiscate memory cards or devices containing footage of a performance at Be Dance. This is to protect the work of the choreographers as well as the security and safety of the dancers performing on stage.
  • Live streaming of all events will be made available via Be Dance is not responsible for any technical issues that may arise during streaming including loss of internet connection, etc. Please understand that event streaming is an added service that is being provided, and there is always a chance that technical issues can arise during a performance.
  • The producers of Be Dance trust the professionalism of the teachers that enter our competition to have good judgment on what every performer presents on stage to our family audience. However, any entry in any class and category, displaying suggestive movements, costuming, or musical selections with lyrics inappropriate for the age of the performers or our family audience, will be scored lower and/or be disqualified.
  • Any use of helium balloons, sword and knife display is strictly prohibited. Prop versions of these items are permitted. Under no circumstances are entries allowed to use theatre dwelling flats, lights or fly bars. Any substance that would affect the dancing surface such as liquid, gel, aerosol, food, glitter, sparkles, confetti, confetti canons, dirt, sand, paint is prohibited unless specifically approved by Be Dance Directors. Special pyrotechnics, smoke, water, fog, are not permitted unless approved by Be Dance Directors and/or venue technical staff. Special lighting requests cannot be provided unless approved be Be Dance Directors. Removal of “Be Dance” logo during performances is not permitted an exception can be made by the producers only if stage lights are required to be turned off for a performance. If stage lights are required to be pulled down it must be brought to the attention of the announcer and technician prior to the performance that day. Substances used in routines which alter the condition of the stage or rehearsal room(s) without approval by Be Dance Directors or venue staff can be subject to disqualification and/or a $50+ fine being imposed if clean-up is required and an unnecessary delay in the competition occurs. This includes but is not limited to the use of an excessive amount of flowers, petals and feathers that require a lengthy clean up. To avoid disqualification and or fines, please contact us for approval and/ or to schedule the routine appropriately as to not delay the competition.
  • Prop Policy: Please advise Be Dance Producers of any large props or set pieces during the time of online registration. Prop storage space cannot be guaranteed regardless of the size or amount of props.
  • For safety reasons, the use of baby powder or other assisting agents will not be tolerated at Be Dance. Should Be Dance staff see this happening students or teacher representatives will be asked to clean stage and/or remove footwear. Rosin may be used, venue approval permitting.
  • Competition directors must be notified in advance of any circus routines that fall under the specialty category.
  • Any concerns or challenges regarding a routine can be brought to the attention of Be Dance Producers by a studio director or teacher prior to the awards ceremony for that routine. Under no circumstances are Adjudicators to be approached by dancers, parents, studio directors and their staff during the competition.
  • Best of BE Eligibility is determined by the 5 highest scores from the competitive division representing each studio with a minimum of 2 groups enrolled in the competitive division to qualify.
  • Studios may be eligible for all other overall awards with minimum 2 groups enrolled in any division; novice, part-time or competitive. Competition producers reserve the right to wave this stipulation depending on the overall level of enrolment, event length and discretion.
  • All decisions made by the Adjudicators and/or Be Dance Producers are final.
  • Judges scores, critiques and music will be available to the studio director online the next day. Any items left behind at the competition will not be available to be mailed out the next day.
  • All monetary awards will be given to the studio director/teacher representative by cheque only. It is at the studio director’s discretion how monetary prizes are distributed in accordance with the studio policy.
  • Solicitations both in person and via social media are not supported by the event organizers and staff of Be Dance. Help us maintain a respectful, safe and positive environment.


  • The organizers of Be Dance recommend that dancers are in costume with hair and makeup done for their first performance upon arrival. Arriving ready will allow for more usable space in change rooms and less congestion.
  • The organizers of Be Dance and venue representatives recommend that dancers do not use rac’n rolls on days where they perhaps only have one routine scheduled as they take up usable space.
  • The organizers of Be Dance recommend parents/guardians of dancers 12 years of age or older refrain from entering the change rooms unless absolutely necessary.

Be Dance Mobile Device, Photo, Video use policy

Out of respect for all of the children that attend Be Dance events we have implemented the below policy for the last several years.

Cell Phones and Other Mobile Devices:

Cellular phones and other mobile devices may not be used in photographic or video mode in any change room, rest room, or other private area of the competition. Additionally, no calls may be placed or taken in the theatre/ballroom, or back stage. Please use common courtesy when using mobile devices in other areas of the competition.

Photography and Video:

Professional photography and recording of video on the premises will not be allowed without the permission of Be Dance Producers. Personal photography is allowed in public areas of the competition only. You must have consent to photograph any other attendee, spectator or team member. No photography or cameras of any kind are allowed to be used in any change room, rest room, or other private area of the competition. Be Dance allows designated staff to take images of attendees and spectators for social media and other promotional purposes, including on stage during performance and awards ceremonies, back stage, warm up room, lobby, or anything within the event vicinity. By your continued participation in Be Dance events, you irrevocably consent to and grant Be Dance the exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free and otherwise unlimited right to use, copy, modify, distribute, publicly display and perform, publish, transmit, remove, retain, and re purpose the images for any purpose in any media or form of communication, without additional consent and without compensation, including but not limited to Be Dance’s commercial and promotional use on its corporate or employee social media sites.

* Disqualification will only occur at the discretion of the competition directors.

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